Sunday 29 May 2011

"No matter what we do, how clean we live our lives, we're not going to survive this" - Kurt Cobain

Thursday 26 May 2011

now still then

Shadows of the sky creeping in, bleeding through
The cracks of the city, steady there without a care.         
We all budge in diverse directions
 Though we wind up in the same destination.
The sun can’t bear to witness our revolving
As we’ll never change in this process of evolving.
Cave men we were, and cave man we’re now,
Still oblivious to the wonders of nature’s limitless bounds.
Moons light not sufficient to illuminate our night sky,
 So we’ll burn up natures ground just to see a mute sound.
We hit fast forward to cure our curiosity
But to pause is to prevent and cure our downfall.
To what we want later alters throughout reality
As were exposed to life, stripped bare and clothed by the majority.
The beauty we call in our world, is not beauty classified by a God,
But not only by a man in a suit, but by a man who society has bought
Selling this, buying that, were a drug to our kind,
You must feed from us to be able to find
A place in this community, a place on this earth
A place to feel accepted but not loved but to feel earned.
So cover your face with powder and dirt
For were living a contest throughout this existence
But the winner turns out never complacent
Just gasping for more and finding no comfort

- 4.11.2010

Don't change for the world. Change the world


6 | d

And may tonight be the upright moment for this head to implode
Upon itself, the rest due to you all, 
Forever changing & seeking to be born
Always dull, forever dead and easily forgotten.
Passing among an identical thought, manipulated to something you’re not
Darling I hope you’d never change.
So with such an insane plea
Reality catches on this mind, 
Eyes widen to find you’ve become the same.  

Tuesday 24 May 2011


Not like a Nirvana nor an Eden
Nor paradise nor heaven,
For this bliss is non existent
Now alive but a delusion
For this hell is a hell
and I'll soon farewell 
This rock that spins & bores me to death.